The Hague

Orthodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on correcting the position of the teeth, upper jaw and lower jaw to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. The main goal of orthodontics is to align the teeth in a correct and harmonious manner.

Den Haag

Orthodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on correcting the position of the teeth, upper jaw and lower jaw to achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. The main goal of orthodontics is to align the teeth in a correct and harmonious manner.

Diagnosis/treatment plan

At The Smile Gallery we know that every individual is different and that dental situations vary from person to person. That is why we make a tailor-made analysis for each patient using photos, 3D X-ray images and dental 3D models. This allows us to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.


Aligners are clear, custom-made braces that gradually move the teeth into the correct position. These aligners are manufactured specifically for each patient and replaced every two weeks to achieve the desired tooth position.

Each set of aligners is personalized using advanced digital technology and is almost invisible. They can be easily removed, making eating, brushing and flossing no problem.

Gebaseerd op een individueel behandelplan worden de aligners periodiek vernieuwd bij The Smile Gallery, gelegen nabij Den Haag, zodat de tanden geleidelijk verschuiven. Regelmatige controles bij de tandarts voor orthodontie zijn nodig om de voortgang te monitoren en nieuwe aligners te ontvangen.In dit artikel staan jouw favoriete hoeden vermeld tegen super lage prijzen. Kies uit bezorging op dezelfde dag, bezorging op locatie of afhalen van bestellingen.

To achieve optimal results within the estimated treatment time, it is important to wear the aligners for most of the day, usually at least 20-22 hours per day.

Aligners can generally be a comfortable and discreet replacement for traditional braces.


Aligners are clear, custom-made braces that gradually move the teeth into the correct position. These aligners are manufactured specifically for each patient and replaced every two weeks to achieve the desired tooth position.

Each set of aligners is personalized using advanced digital technology and is almost invisible. They can be easily removed, making eating, brushing and flossing no problem.

Based on an individual treatment plan, the aligners are periodically renewed at The Smile Gallery, located near The Hague, so that the teeth gradually shift. Regular checkups with the dentist for orthodontics are necessary to monitor progress and receive new aligners.

To achieve optimal results within the estimated treatment time, it is important to wear the aligners for most of the day, usually at least 20-22 hours per day.

Aligners can generally be a comfortable and discreet replacement for traditional braces.


At The Smile Gallery, located near The Hague, you can also get a fixed brace. This involves attaching small appliances, often called “brackets”, to the front of the teeth. These are then connected by wires and elastic ligatures.

These brackets serve as anchors for the wires, which gradually apply gentle pressure to the teeth and move them to the desired position. During treatment, regular adjustments are made to monitor and guide the position of the teeth.

It is important to realize that the duration of treatment can vary per person. During this period, the dentists instructions for orthodontics should be followed, and the patient should maintain good oral hygiene and attend regular check-ups.

Wearing a brace may take some getting used to in the beginning, but at the end of the process a wonderful result awaits.


At The Smile Gallery, located near The Hague, you can also get a fixed brace. This involves attaching small appliances, often called “brackets”, to the front of the teeth. These are then connected by wires and elastic ligatures.

These brackets serve as anchors for the wires, which gradually apply gentle pressure to the teeth and move them to the desired position. During treatment, regular adjustments are made to monitor and guide the position of the teeth.

It is important to realize that the duration of treatment can vary per person. During this period, the dentists instructions for orthodontics should be followed, and the patient should maintain good oral hygiene and attend regular check-ups.

Wearing a brace may take some getting used to in the beginning, but at the end of the process a wonderful result awaits.


Eerste afspraak orthodontie


During your first visit to The Smile Gallery you will meet our dentist for orthodontics. Together you discuss your dental wishes and any concerns. The dentist for orthodontics will assess whether treatment is necessary, explain the complexity of your situation, estimate the expected duration of treatment and discuss the costs, benefits and possible risks with you.

This is the ideal time to ask all your questions about orthodontic treatments.


Before we start treatment, we collect detailed data about your teeth. This includes taking digital photos of your face and teeth, x-rays and a 3D scan of your teeth. This information forms the basis for monitoring your progress during treatment.

Orthodontisch onderzoek


After we have collected all the necessary information, our dentist for orthodontics will create a customized treatment plan for you. During the presentation you will receive a comprehensive overview of the different steps, a detailed timeline and a cost overview. If you are considering aligners, we will show you a 3D simulation of the expected progress. We encourage you to actively participate and ask all your questions.

4. Start of treatment (depending on the treatment you choose)

  • For Aligners: You will receive your custom-made clear aligners approximately 15 days after discussing the treatment plan. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use, care for, and remove the aligners, along with other helpful tips.

  • For Fixed Braces: The brace is placed as soon as possible after discussing the treatment plan, depending on availability.

5. Monthly checkups

Every month we schedule an appointment to check your progress and make adjustments where necessary. These checks are crucial to ensure the treatment plan stays on track and to answer any questions you may have.


After completing your orthodontic treatment, we recommend the use of retainers. Retainers ensure that your teeth stay in the correct position and give you a lasting, beautiful smile. There are both fixed and removable options, and our dentist for orthodontics will help you choose the right retainer.

Orthodontische retainers


Eerste afspraak orthodontie

During your first visit to The Smile Gallery you will meet our dentist for orthodontics. Together you discuss your dental wishes and any concerns. The dentist for orthodontics will assess whether treatment is necessary, explain the complexity of your situation, estimate the expected duration of treatment and discuss the costs, benefits and possible risks with you.

This is the ideal time to ask all your questions about orthodontic treatments.


Orthodontisch onderzoek

Before we start treatment, we collect detailed data about your teeth. This includes taking digital photos of your face and teeth, x-rays and a 3D scan of your teeth. This information forms the basis for monitoring your progress during treatment.


After we have collected all the necessary information, our dentist for orthodontics will create a customized treatment plan for you. During the presentation you will receive a comprehensive overview of the different steps, a detailed timeline and a cost overview. If you are considering aligners, we will show you a 3D simulation of the expected progress. We encourage you to actively participate and ask all your questions.


  • For Aligners: You will receive your custom-made clear aligners approximately 15 days after discussing the treatment plan. We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to use, care for, and remove the aligners, along with other helpful tips.

  • For Fixed Braces: The brace is placed as soon as possible after discussing the treatment plan, depending on availability.


Every month we schedule an appointment to check your progress and make adjustments where necessary. These checks are crucial to ensure the treatment plan stays on track and to answer any questions you may have.


Orthodontische retainers

After completing your orthodontic treatment, we recommend the use of retainers. Retainers ensure that your teeth stay in the correct position and give you a lasting, beautiful smile. There are both fixed and removable options, and our dentist for orthodontics will help you choose the right retainer.

We guide you through every phase of your orthodontic treatment, so that you always feel comfortable. Although we are not located in The Hague, we proudly welcome patients from the The Hague and are happy to help them achieve a radiant smile.

Frequently asked questions about orthodontics in The Hague

Orthodontic treatment is a dental specialty that focuses on correcting misaligned teeth and jaws to improve oral health and aesthetics. It involves using braces, aligners, or other appliances to straighten teeth and create a balanced bite.

Aligners are removable transparent plastic trays that help straighten teeth. They work by using a series of custom-made, clear plastic trays that are worn over the teeth. Each tray is slightly different and gradually moves the teeth into the desired alignment.

Braces are orthodontic devices consisting of brackets, wires, and bands that are attached to the teeth to gradually move them into proper alignment. They work by applying continuous pressure on teeth, causing them to move slowly over time. The wires and brackets are adjusted periodically by the dentist for orthodontics to guide teeth into their desired positions.

Aligners work by using a series of custom-made, clear plastic trays that are worn over the teeth. Each tray is slightly different and gradually moves the teeth into the desired alignment.

Braces work by applying continuous pressure on teeth, causing them to move slowly over time. The wires and brackets are adjusted periodically by the orthodontist to guide teeth into their desired positions.

Orthodontic treatment can benefit individuals of all ages who have misaligned teeth, bite issues, or other dental irregularities.

There are traditional metal braces, ceramic braces (clear or tooth-colored), and lingual braces (placed on the back of teeth).
  • Traditional Brands: These aligners are developed by well-established companies with years of experience and a solid reputation in the field. Examples include SureSmile, Invisalign and ClearCorrect. These brands have a proven track record and utilise advanced technology for precise treatment planning and execution.
  • Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Aligners: DIY aligners have gained popularity due to their convenience and accessibility. They offer remote consultation and treatment planning. While they may provide tooth movement and have shorter treatment durations, they typically cater to mild to moderate cases. However, it's crucial to note that these options may lack the comprehensive supervision and expertise provided by a dentist for orthodontics and may not be suitable for complex cases.
The clinic chooses Suresmile due to its reputable track record, customisation with 3D technology, professional supervision, safety, efficacy, suitability for complex cases, and proven long-term results.

The duration of treatment varies based on individual needs, but it often takes between 6 months to 3 years.

Discomfort is common during the initial adjustment period, but it is usually manageable and typically lessens with time.

You'll need to visit your dentist for orthodontics regularly for adjustments, typically every 4 to 8 weeks.

Yes, adults can undergo orthodontic treatment, and there is no age limit for getting braces or aligners.

Children can have their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7. This assessment helps in evaluating their dental development, detecting potential issues, and deciding if early intervention is needed. In certain situations, a general dentist may refer a patient for an orthodontic evaluation at an earlier age based on specific circumstances.

Costs vary based on the type of treatment and location, but it typically ranges from 2000 to 3500 euros.

Some dental insurance plans offer orthodontic coverage, so it's essential to check your plan for details.

Yes, you can. There are mouth-guards available for sports, and playing musical instruments may take some adjustment but is still possible.

Your dentist for orthodontics will provide guidance on cleaning and maintenance, but generally, regular brushing, flossing and inter-dental brushing are crucial.

Hard, sticky, and sugary foods should be avoided to prevent damage to braces or aligners.

Common side effects include temporary discomfort and speech changes. Your dentist for orthodontics will explain any specific risks based on your treatment plan.

Want to know more about orthodontics in The Hague?

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